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Health Council Minutes 03/22/01
Regular Meeting of March 22, 2001

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on
March 22, 2001.

Meeting called to order at 8:08 a.m.
Members Present:                                                *Ex Officio

Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Les Holcomb     
Patty Begley                            Chris Knowles
        Kathleen Rose                   Sarah Isenberg          
Sarah Kuh *                             Dennis Hoak                     
Jacque Cage                             Bob Sawyer
Murray Frank                            Lorna Andrade
Ned Robinson-Lynch                      Sharon Clauss-Zanger
Tad Crawford                            Sandra Lothrop*
Peter Strock                            Jane Cleare                             
        Cathy Brennan                   Fred Rundlet
        Tom Dresser                             Bud Macy
        Katherine Colon                 Michele Lazerow 
        Kevin Burchill                          Else Membreno   
Also Present:  Marsha Smolev    Marni Lipski                            
                 Carol Kennedy  Susan Kelly
          Matt Poole                     Marguerite Bergstrom*  
 Elizabeth Norcross            Karen Kukolich  
 Carol Borer*                  Arthur Wortzel
  Maureen Kelly         Eric Butler
          Kathy Logue   
Cynthia Mitchell announced that the next meeting of the DCHC is scheduled for April 26, 2001. Tad Crawford Moved to Accept the Minutes of February 22, 2001.  Peter Strock Seconded the Motion.  The Minutes were Approved as written.

Jane Cleare presented the Report of the Chronic Illness Committee.  She introduced Committee members:  Sandra Lothrop, Marni Lipke, Susan Kelly, Les Holcomb, Sharon Clauss-Sanger, Bob Macy, Carol Kennedy, and Lorna Andrade.  The purpose of the Report was to provide a document, a collection of data, for planning.  

The target population was under 65 with chronic illness.  Of the 120 Surveys received, 107 were used.  42 people under 65 (17%) responded. 52% of people responding receive nursing services.  Most of the under 65 population are aided by family and friends. Numbers seemed to indicate that as people with chronic illness get older, they get sicker.  Information was not included if only one person with a particular illness responded.

It appears that younger respondents are seeking companionship rather than help with chores.  The group between ages 40-50 begin to request help with alcohol and drugs.  People between ages 51-64 are sicker and need help with chores.

(Conclusions - attached to the Minutes.)

Jane Cleare said it has been a goal of the Health Council to be a clearinghouse for health care. She suggested the Health Council now define the structure of a volunteer group to help meet the needs of the chronically ill as defined by the study.  Lorna Andrade and Sharon Clauss-Zanger reviewed steps taken in the past. Discussion followed about the inclusion of mental health issues.  The possibility of finding grant funds to hire a volunteer coordinator was mentioned.  The size of the population of unserved chronically ill was also discussed.  

Chairman Mitchell praised the Committee for the depth of analysis and the ease with which the Committee handled the Survey.  Tad Crawford suggested the County play a role in the funding plan.  Cathy Brennan added that Hospice is working on meeting similar roles, and the groups should consider working together.  Michele Lazerow remarked that this all represents a tie in with her concern, prevention.  Les Holcomb said that many professional services on the Island were designed when the population was only 5000.  Now, grassroots people are running the organizations they once needed.  

Murray Frank Moved that the Minutes reflect a formal expression of appreciation for the Chronic Illness Report.  The Vote was unanimous.  The Council endorses the work of the Chronic Illness Committee, accepts their report and expects to move forward.  

Cynthia Mitchell announced that Chris Zadeh resigned as Director of the Island Health Plan for personal reasons.  It is with regret that Chairman Mitchell accepts the resignation.  The Coordinating Committee is recommending asking Pat Fairchild to finish out the year as Coordinator of the regional piece of the Plan and Nancy Kasen would take on the role of local Coordinator.  Discussion followed.  County Commissioner Bob Sawyer asked if an Island representative was considered.  Peter Strock voiced concern about a conflict between JSI and the Lighthouse Alliance, if Pat Fairchild takes the role.  Cathy Brennan also was concerned that this gave a financial benefit to JSI and could be a conflict.  Michelle Lazerow asked who would be hired, JSI or Pat Fairchild.  Ms. Mitchell said it’s the same thing, JSI.  Fred Rundlet mentioned that if there’s a change in a position, the Grantee should be informed.  Cynthia Mitchell reported that Ken Brown of HERSA said it was fine.  Ned Robinson-Lynch added that Ken Brown was supportive. Jane Cleare suggested making a motion to endorse this change.  Tad Crawford Moved that the HC endorse further discussion with JSI with the purpose of engaging them fully in the development of Phase III.  Cynthia Mitchell said, “we’re already there.”
Murray Frank distributed the Island Plan Final detailed report.  The Executive Summary will follow via mail.  

Cynthia Mitchell gave a list of tasks for Phase III, for the Coordinating Committee to approach:  meeting with providers, conducting focus groups (to get the market price), meeting with insurance partners, defining the role of the Health Council, contract third party administrative services, determine benefit rates, underwriter criteria, contracts, eligibility, marketing plan, launching.

The Lighthouse Alliance committee reported that the project is moving right along.  Jacque Cage expressed interest in Nantucket’s progress with substance abuse services.  

Sarah Kuh distributed the report of the Vineyard Healthcare Access Program.  

Bob Sawyer and Kevin Burchill reported on the Intermunicipal Agreement.  Commissioner Sawyer said he was looking for the Health Council’s opinion on the new direction - to offer other health and human services in the second and third years of the Agreement (with the first year’s funds going to Emergency Medical Services.)  Kevin Burchill commended Carol Borer for her leadership and support and for looking at the opportunity to offer other health care services in the second and third years.  Cynthia Mitchell said the second and third year now offer greater community benefits.  She went on to say that the Emergency Medical Services Committee has made a significant contribution to community health care that the Committee was listening.  Chairman Mitchell added that each town now has to agree to broaden the scope of the Agreement.  Dr. Hoak reminded the Health Council that it is important to look at what’s medically necessary, that a community benefit is not necessarily a community need.  Discussion followed.  Commissioner Sawyer Moved that the DCHC endorse the recent vote on the Intermunicipal Agreement and the efforts of the Emergency Medical Services Committee.  Michelle Lazerow Seconded the Motion.  The vote to endorse was unanimous.

Tad Crawford presented the Treasurer’s report.  He stated that the HC has $49,000 in hand, with a commitment of $33,500 for the Access Program.  An overview of the Health Council’s budget submission to the County was distributed.  Tad Crawford stated that Phase III numbers are substantial.  He Moved that the Health Council support the numbers as they stand.  Michelle Lazerow Seconded the Motion.  The vote was unanimous.  Commissioner Sawyer added that he would not consider the County’s contribution as small, as Mr. Crawford had noted, since the numbers do not reflect the County’s funding of Sarah Kuh.

The meeting adjourned at 10:16 AM.  

Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant